I was born in Puerto Rico and emigrated to Philadelphia when I was 8 years old. The transition was difficult at first. Different weather, living conditions, different language and worst of all, the widespread racism. I survived and, in time, overcame the obstacles. Learning a new language for a child is fairly easy, especially after my mother had taught me how to read as a toddler and inspired me to continue in English.
I planned to attend college but was drafted soon after High School and ended up in Vietnam. After discharge, I opened my own business and but eventually sold it to pursue a career in law enforcement. I began with the Philadelphia Police Department but after five years, transferred to the Office of the Sheriff where I served for 25 years.
Off duty I wrote articles for local newspapers and online news services. I took advantage of VA Benefits and finally went to college at an age where most are enjoying retirement. I earned my Bachelor of Science degree in 2 years instead of the usual 4. As a voracious reader, I have absorbed hundreds of books and used that accumulated knowledge and experience to eliminate many elective classes via CLEP (College Level Examination Program), PLA (Prior learning Assessment), and Experiential Essays.
I published my first book In the Beginning – The Early Days of Religious Beliefs in 2018 (Historical Fiction) and my second The Lazarus Syndrome – Why Can’t I Die? In 2023. (Non-Fiction)